The demand for petrol is really strong right now in the economy. It is rising due to the surge in personal mobility.
The sales of gasoline or petrol were at 2.69 million tonnes, which is 13% higher than that in 2020.
The dip in fuel consumption is attributed mainly to travel disruptions caused by the floods in some parts of the country
India may have foot $100-billion bill as fuel consumption is picking up in the wake of relaxations in lockdowns.
LPG was the only fuel the consumption of which crept up compared to April
If the second surge of infection spreads to the villages in a major way, agriculture, which was the only bright spot in a picture of gloom last year,
Fuel consumption fell 9.38% to 17.01 million tonnes in April from 18.77 million tonnes in March, data from Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell showed
India consumed 194.63 million tonnes of petroleum products in 2020-21 as compared with 214.12 million tonnes demand in the previous year
Petroleum product consumption fell 4.9% to 17.21 million tonnes in February as demand for both petrol and diesel fell